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Jay is Out at OT

Yeah, I think the database would be good for content. The place was in deep decline when the founder, Ash sold it off. It really hasn't been the same since.
I just hope whatever is done is best for both communities. :)
Well it’s not like there aren’t any other options in communities. 😜
Jay's intentions were only ever to do good for OT, but things happened as they did and he was left with no real options but to sell. I'm glad Cam bought it, he's a great choice and I trust he'll do good things with OT moving forward.
Thankfully Cam owns OT now, though it's been ages since I've logged into my account there. Hopefully DH can merge with OT, I used to be quite active on DH but once Ash sold it I stopped logging in as much.
Thankfully Cam owns OT now, though it's been ages since I've logged into my account there. Hopefully DH can merge with OT, I used to be quite active on DH but once Ash sold it I stopped logging in as much.
I kind of feel like DH died with Ash. I think it's a shell of it's former self now these days. It feels like a graveyard every time I've ever logged into it.
I kind of feel like DH died with Ash. I think it's a shell of it's former self now these days. It feels like a graveyard every time I've ever logged into it.
That’s just the thing about forums. They come and go.
Sadly so, there's been a few that I really liked where the owners shut them down.
It’s unfortunate, but it’s been happening for years. It’s a good thing now that there’s a great group of core owners around now.

Hopefully we don’t see anymore forums shut down. We need forums to thrive again.