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What's the oldest game console you still own?


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Jan 22, 2025
Being an avid gamer I have a bunch of consoles, ranging from the original NES to the PS5 and Series S. Though my NES isn't the oldest console in my collection, that title goes to the Model 1 Sega Genesis I have. Well one of them anyways, I own four Genesis. My NES is a toploader model, so it came out in 1993 whereas the Genesis came out in either 1990 or 1991. (It's not the 1989 model, but that's the year the Genesis first came out in North America.) How about you? If you still own old consoles which one is the oldest?
I've got a four switch Atari 2600, so 1981-ish, also got a 1967 pong clone. Those would be my oldest.
Probably my Pikachu Nintendo64, if you don't count handhelds (like the GameBoy Color). I recently found it back in the attic, haha.