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How well do you get along with your coworkers?


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Registered Member
Jan 22, 2025
So those who have a 9-5 job where you work alongside other people, how well do you get along with them? I try to get along with everyone and pretty much everyone at my current job are cool people so I get along with everyone. They all treat me with respect and I do the same. It's actually cool, my previous job was at a factory and a few people didn't really respect me. It's the complete opposite at my job now which is an office job so it's a different work environment.
At my last job? Not really, it was very much everyone keeping to themselves. At this job...I don't have coworkers, so yeah, I guess I get along great with them :D
I work part time at another place and then the other half in my own shop. I get along with pretty much everyone, every time.
I get along with others, but I keep to myself as to avoid getting into trouble
I have a pretty good relationship with everyone I work with, but we are a small team working in a small office so don't have much choice but to have a lot of conversations and get to know each other. I would guess that if the office was bigger or if there were more of us in the team, the dynamics probably would mean we weren't all so close.
Well we are just coworkers. We get along with work really fine, as I try my best to avoid any friendships outside of work with them.